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Privacy & Cookies

Privacy is a human right and here at Turkeys we'll treat your data as if it were our own. Because of this, we're going to explain in this public statement how we manage such data. It will apply for all our website's visitors as well as those who contact us and/or request a hacking service.

1 Data we collect

We only collect and store in our database data that is essential for the proper performance of our website as well as for statistical analysis and security. This is limited to:

This information is stored anonymously and it is impossible to relate it to a particular user or person.
It is important to mention that we never store the IP address of any visitor nor any information that is considered sensitive or personal or that could, in any way, identify a person.

We'll also store information about a visitor's permanence time on our website as well as the pages they have viewed. All these data are merely statistical and helps us determine which services are the most and least demanded, which countries visit us the most, and what type of device the people who visit us use. In this way, we can make changes to our services, adapt our website to the most used devices and focus our advertising campaigns in the countries with the highest demand. Briefly explained: it helps us improve our website performance and the quality of our services, which will be reflected in a good experience for our clients.

2 Data storage

Collecting information doesn't mean storing it. Depending on each situation and the way you are using our website, we may collect some data to execute security analysis on the fly, but without storing it. In this case, your data never leaves your own browser/device.

The collected and stored data will remain on our database for a reduced period of time.
The first day of each month, we permanently delete all details and keep in place only the general statistical conclusions for the month (ie. countries that have visited us the most), which are maintained in our system for a period of 12 months.

Our next data deletion is scheduled for July 1st, 2021.

3 Cookies

Cookies are tiny files that your own browser stores on your own device. Thanks to the cookies, it is possible to keep a session started or to remember particular settings such as colors, graphic settings or languages.

At Turkeys we use cookies only language preferences, since our website is translated into 3 languages and a cookie helps us remember what you language preference is.

If you wish, you can use an incognito window in your browser, so that the cookie will only be saved while your browser is open, but it will be deleted as soon as you close it.

Cookies won't jeopardize your anonymity at any time and won't link or relate to your activity on our website.

4 Contact by email

Our email is the safest means of communication since it is protected and encrypted by ourselves following the highest security standards added to our own experience and particular knowledge.

All messages that are sent and received to and from our email, will be kept only as long as it is justified to keep them. As soon as our support is end or we no longer receive a response from the client, we proceed to permanently delete all messages.

5 Orders

When someone place an order for a hacking service with us, we'll collect and store only that information related to their order. This is limited to the order details (i.e. what the customer asked for) and a contact email address. We only keep this information while the order is in process. As soon as it has been completed, it won't make any sense to continue storing this information, so we'll proceed to delete all records. It means that no one, not even us, will know what we did or for whom.

6 Exceptions

Our privacy policy could be void as a result of a breach of our agreement by the client. We mention this on the Deadlines and Fines page, and we reserve the right to define it at our own discretion.

Any person who is responsible and who reads the Service Agreement before placing an order, making sure to understand and accept everything, won't be included in any of the exceptions, as our agreement will be fulfilled by both parties and the privacy policy will be maintained.